Author: Michael OConnor

About Me

Hello. My name is Michael OConnor.

I would describe myself as a technologist and fitness enthusiast who has been actively living a longevity lifestyle for well over 20 years.

I do not claim to be expert on the subject of longevity, nor do I have a medical degree. What I have is a passion for living my life in a manner that will allow me to be healthy, both cognitively and physically, and have the ability to perform random everyday tasks well into my senior years such as climbing stairs, getting off the floor, carrying groceries, and being able to walk a reasonable distance with no problem.

As the subject of longevity has become overly complicated and confusing, I decided to put together a straight forward guide that would allow me to have all of my research and opinions in a single place.

It struck me that others might find my guide useful so I decided to publish it online. Hence this is the result of that endeavor. ~thrive~

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